Call for Papers
We invite researchers and practitioners to present research findings in emerging areas of academic literacies research. Individual papers or poster proposals are accepted in this call for papers. The time allotted for individual papers is 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Proposals should contain original unpublished research that is not yet accessible to the scientific community. We look forward to receiving submissions on these and other emerging topics such as the following:
- Academic literacies in secondary and higher education
- Academic literacies in multilingual contexts
- Pluriliteracies approach for deeper learning
- Teacher training and academic literacies
- Classroom practices
- Integration of language and content
- Multilingual and intercultural competence
- Language(s) across the curriculum
- Cognitive Discourse Functions
Each participant can submit a maximum of 2 proposals: either both co-authored proposals or one individual and one co-authored proposal.
All submitted abstract proposals should be:
- As follows:
- Title
- Author(s) (name, affiliation, email)
- Abstract (including topic presentation, objective, methodology, results and conclusion)
- 3 to 5 keywords
- References
- Written in English or Basque.
- No longer than 300 words (not including bibliography).
- Sent to the conference email:
We welcome contributions from new and experienced practitioners and researchers on any line of research mentioned above. Abstracts will be accepted in English or Basque. We look forward to receiving your abstracts in due course and anticipate an exciting exchange and debate. Meanwhile, we would be grateful if you could circulate this call within your network.
Please feel free to contact if you have any questions about the conference.